Thursday, July 19, 2012

10 Weeks... Weird feeling

Hello everyone I still have no major pain going on since the removal of my k-wire just a light sting where the pin was removed. I do feel something weird going on with the bone in my toe that I will try my best to explain. It feels as if the bone is shifting whenever I flex my foot. Makes me wonder if it's even in place. I don't know if I should be concerned but I will be sure to let my doctor know of this feeling on my next appointment. If anyone else feels similar weirdness in their foot please let me know.


  1. Hi, I've noticed you've been mia.I hope that all is well.

  2. I'm planning on getting the one-stage surgery done on both my feet. (Bilateral) brachy and after reading different blogs, I don't think this is such a great idea. I planned on having both feet done at the same time. My Dr. Doesn't want to use the fixators because of the risks associated w/ them. Ur thoughts? By the way, I wanted to thank you documenting this for the people w/Brachymetararsia. This is such a rare condition. I was floored that went to a podiatrist who said he had only seen this condition in 2 people in his 15 years of practice and told me to just live through the pain
